Welcome to February!
How did everyone fare with the intensity of January? It really was a microcosm of the year as a whole. Overall February should bring more ease, though it too has its moments.

By Michelle Gould
The big theme to track this month is Uranus’ final throes in the sign of Aries. In February, it spends much of its time at 29 Aries, the final degree of the sign. Known as an anaretic or critical degree, the last degree of a sign is known for its intensity. Here resides the portal between signs, as such it speaks to endings and critical passages.
Since 2011, we’ve been in a period of disruption, revolution (think back to the Arab Spring and Occupy Wall Street of 2011 or to the #metoo movement of the past few years), and catharsis very much tied to power, power structures, and established hierarchies.
This period is coming to an end, and in 2019 we lay the bedrock for what is to come, the Saturn-Pluto conjunction of 2020. This configuration points to necessity. The hard realities of what has been pointed out must now be dealt with, whether we want to or not. In 2019 we find ourselves in transition, the space between the purifying, sometimes destructive fires of the past eight years and the rolling up our sleeves to tackle what-must-be-done awaiting us in 2020. What was begun in Aries must be concretized and made practical in Taurus.
On a personal level, many of us have been rebelling against outdated power structures and hierarchies in our own lives. Maybe it was a job or a relationship, maybe it was just the way we treated ourself, but those aspects of our lives that felt oppressive or didn’t support our evolution have been uprooted, revolutionized, or transformed since 2011. (For more detail, look to the house that holds Aries in your chart.) The next stage will be how to structure life going forward and hemming in our excesses. Areas of life that have lacked structure or discipline will be brought to heel. The next step prune the dead branches and promote new growth that is sustainable.
“In 2019 we find ourselves in transition, the space between the purifying, sometimes destructive fires of the past eight years and the rolling up our sleeves to tackle what-must-be-done awaiting us in 2020. What was begun in Aries must be concretized and made practical in Taurus.”
February Dates to Watch
Feb 1 – Mars in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn, 21 degrees Use this power surge to tackle things that you’ve been avoiding, have put off, or that take a bit of effort. Avoid slipping into situations where insist on your way. If you assume “might makes right,” you may find yourself in a doozy of a battle of wills. Compromise can be difficult to come by today, as can a collaborate spirit. Should you be of a more retiring temperament and find yourself on the receiving end of someone else’s demands, be willing to defend your boundaries and state your rights.
February 3 – Venus enters Capricorn
February 4 – New moon at 15 degrees Aquarius
February 10 – Mercury enters Pisces
February 10-13 – Mars conjoins Uranus on 2/11 & 2/12 This combustible pair gains fuel for its fires as the moon triggers Pluto on 2/10 before reaching the Mars-Uranus duo (and completing the circuitry starting with the February 1st Mars square Pluto!). Our emotions can be easily triggered and we are prickly. It’s a perfect recipe for crises and drama, as our tendency will be to shoot first and then ask questions. Step back before acting or rushing in and take big deep breaths. Cooler heads will fare better than those who jump into the fray.
February 14 – Mars moves into Taurus, cooling temperatures
February 17 – 23 – Venus besieged between Saturn and Pluto Relationships and issues tied to money or values may require that you restructure or renegotiate boundaries. These days point to trickier relationship dynamics and dicier negotiations over values or money. (If you know your chart, the houses governed by Venus describe further influences.)
February 18 – Sun moves into Pisces
February 19 – Full moon at 1 Virgo
Want to know what February holds in store for you? Check out your horoscope!