Tempest in a Teapot

As January closes, I thought I’d address the recent tempest in a teapot surrounding astrology. On January 13, 2011, the Minnesota Star Tribune interviewed astronomer Paul Kunkle. The gist of the article was the sun and moon’s gravitational force on the earth’s axis causes the earth to wobble, which over time makes the position of Read More …

2010 November Forecast

In November, we see two planets, Venus and Neptune, changing their heavenly course.  Both planets have been retrograde, meaning from our perspective they appear to be moving backwards through the sky, but on November 7th Neptune will turn direct and Venus follows suit on November 18th.  In addition, November 8th sees Venus returning to Libra, Read More …

2010 October Forecast

The tense square between Pluto, god of the underworld, and Saturn, lord of time, continues until mid-month, which means we remain under a good deal of pressure. Pluto asks that we transform at a profound level, whereas Saturn asks that strip down to essentials and keep only those structures which are lasting and meaningful. In Read More …