Join me in 2012 for the next United Astrology Conference (UAC) in New Orleans, Louisiana. I’ll be giving two lectures: an advanced class on finding the soul’s purpose in the natal chart, and a beginner’s class on the elements, one of my favorite areas to explore. If you’ve never attended a UAC, you’re really missing Read More …
Though I’m a western astrologer, I frequently use the nakshatras from the Hindu system of astrology. Just as sun signs can describe the basic temperament of a person, in the eastern tradition, the nakshatras do much the same. The nakshatras divide the sky into 27 sections of 13 degrees 20 minutes, based on the sidereal Read More …
2010 September Forecast
Lately, most all my clients have felt stressed, overworked, and overburdened… and for good reason. Astrologically, 2010 has been an intense year, with Saturn, Uranus, Jupiter, Pluto and Mars dancing in and out of relationship with one another and cranking up the pressure in our lives and on the planet. The call has been to Read More …
Venus in the Elements
The Aphrodite Within Given that most people’s exposure to astrology is to the sun sign horoscope in the local newspaper, it’s easy to forget that astrology is one of our richest repositories of myth and symbol. Our understanding of basic archetypes can deepen profoundly by studying this ancient cosmology, and, what’s more, astrology can allow Read More …