Lately, most all my clients have felt stressed, overworked, and overburdened… and for good reason. Astrologically, 2010 has been an intense year, with Saturn, Uranus, Jupiter, Pluto and Mars dancing in and out of relationship with one another and cranking up the pressure in our lives and on the planet.
The call has been to harness the forces of change, to release outworn, deadening behaviors, patterns and relationships, and to deal directly with those problems we’ve been avoiding or which have stymied us. However, after months of intensity and hard work, we need to calm and renew ourselves to be able to continue the process of transformation. To that end, I’d like to make a few gemstone recommendations which will help heal and sooth us. If you know your ascendant/rising sign (the sign rising in the East at the moment of birth), look to that sign for restorative stones. Otherwise, use your sun sign.
Aries: With Jupiter and Uranus in your sign, you’ve probably feel like you’re in perpetual motion. To cool your pace, bolster your patience, and reconnect with your inner strength, work with Blue Lace Agate, Aragonite, and Carnelian.
Taurus: Amber is a good choice for Taurus right now, as it promotes calmer nerves without reducing energy, while you can use Jade to promote feelings of prosperity of all kinds: emotional, physical, material and spiritual.
Gemini: With your ruling planet Mercury in retrograde, you may be feeling more scattered and frantic than usual. Peridot, always a good stone for you, can bring your thoughts into balance and regenerate your body. Use Mystic Topaz to combat serious nervous fatigue.
Cancer: You may be feeling like you’re in a pressure cooker right now, with Pluto and company affecting your sign. Use your birthstone Pearl as a general tonic. It will support your ability to move through the world with integrity and vitality. Look to Druzy to heal your fatigue and bolster feelings of security.
Leo: With Neptune and Chiron in hard aspect to your sign, you may be feeling less focused and in charge as you’d like. Lepidolite will enhance your optimism and feelings of self-love so you’re able to rise to new heights, while Ruby will nurture your creativity, always a balm for you.
Virgo: Always prone to bouts self-scrutiny and self-doubt, Mercury retrograde in your sign may have you mentally rewinding old mistakes or feelings like a bad tape. Use Mahogany Obsidian to dispense with unloving thoughts and Jett to release old grief and pain to the surface.
Libra: As one of the cardinal signs, you’re feeling the full brunt of this year’s intensity. Add Saturn to your sign and you’ve had your hands full. Call on Citrine to clarify your thoughts and priorities, while Chrysoprase will release stress, calm frustration, and sooth fears.
Scorpio: Though you often play your cards close to the chest, you may be feeling a bit low on energy of late. Chrysocolla will revive your physical vitality and strength and Moonstone aids you in releasing pent up emotions and patterns from the past.
Sagittarius: Your tendency to overdo and over-schedule might be aggravated right now with Jupiter and Uranus activating your sign. Malachite will ground and balance you. Try Mother of Pearl to bring more calm and peace to your daily life.
Capricorn: With Pluto moving through your sign, your already serious approach to life can become downright ponderous. Now is the time to release the old and embrace the new. Use Snowflake Obsidian to bring issues to the surface gently, and Mexican Lace Agate to lighten your mood and enhance laughter.
Aquarius: You have a tendency to run yourself down by not attending to your body: skimping on rest, forgetting to eat, and forgoing exercise. Use Jasper as a general tonic to increase the strength and vitality of your whole system. Mango Topaz will calm nervous fatigue and cleanse you of additional charge.
Pisces: You’re so sensitive that even if you personally haven’t experienced the stress of 2010, you will have absorbed it from others around you. Call upon Pink Tourlamine for emotional healing. Sugalite offers protection so you’re not as likely to internalize the emotions of others.