2013 February

We started off January with a super high powered, get-it-into-gear Capricorn new moon, so hopefully you started off your year focused on your big goals and taking a practical approach toward making them a reality.

January’s theme of self-sufficiency and self-reliance continue into February. The new moon on February 10th at 21 degrees Aquarius asks us to stand apart and risk being seen as different or iconoclastic, maybe even contrary.

First, the new moon is unaspected, which means it’s unconnected to other celestial bodies. (For astrologers: I’m using a 10-degree orb.) It literally stands apart in the heavens.

Second, the new moon is at the north bendings, the northern most latitude on its journey around the earth. So it’s literally at an extreme, poised to change direction. In fact, the sun and moon are both at this highly sensitive place, and as a consequence, we’re at the kind of pivot point where we need to go it alone, trust our own sense of direction, even when everyone around us is telling us we’re crazy or reckless or wrong or….

Underscoring these themes is the new moon’s placement in Aquarius, a sign known for being futuristic, progressive, even if this means marching quirkily out of step with the rest of the world. It’s connected to groups and collectives, in particular sub-cultures, alliances of likeminded others that have a shared interest or perspective that is outside the mainstream.

So February represents a time in which you may need to take a stand or perhaps put forward a contrary position to retain or become your authentic self and to remain true to your dreams. With Saturn squaring Venus in the new moon chart, this can be a lonely place, but one also of integrity based on a fair assessment of one’s true value. Support comes from those who share your vision, rather than universal support.

With Saturn and Jupiter actively burnishing your dreams this month, lean more toward measured assessments than ungrounded optimism.

Those who can stand on their own and call upon their self-discipline, maturity, and integrity will fare better than those who spin big ideas and set events into motion without any real plan.  The former are likely to make serious headway on a few choice and focused goals, while the latter are likely to end up over-extended and spinning their wheels on pie-in-the-sky ideas.

On February 18th Saturn, Lord of Time, turns retrograde at 11 degrees Scorpio, beginning a five-month period in which we work on interior mastery – shoring up our internal resources – so that we may be more effective masters of our world come the summer.

Then on February 23rd, Mercury also turns retrograde at 20 degrees Pisces. Pisces is a nonlinear sign while Mercury revels in facts and information. Use this more internal period to bring head and heart more into alignment. Hermes (Mercury) was the guardian of thresholds and messenger for the gods. Listen carefully to the stirrings and whispers of intuition while it moves retrograde for the next ten weeks.

The need to unify what you think with what you intuit continues on the full moon on February 25th, falling at 7 degrees Pisces/Virgo and opposing Neptune.  Reason cannot stand on its own, cold and separate from our heart’s deepest longings, nor can our dreams take off and soar if separated from reality.

If you have stayed true to yourself and focused your efforts on goals that matter – without sliding into hypersensitivity, ego, unrealistic expectations, or overextension – you will be positioned to achieve some ambition, or at least take a step toward it, by the month’s end.

So reach for the stars, my friends, but don’t lose sight of terra firma below. February brings real opportunity for thoughtful innovation. You simply need to be willing to err on the side of authenticity, to hold yourself accountable, and to keep aligning your dreams with the current realities of your life so each ultimately supports the other.


2013 February Forecast

If you know your rising sign (the sign on the ascendant at the time of your birth), read that description as well as your birth sign.  If you don’t know your rising sign and would like to find out, click here for instructions.

As always, a broad analysis such as this is no substitute for a personal astrological consultation based your full birth data.  If you are interested in setting up an appointment, please email me or call me at 800.604.0299.

ARIES              TAURUS           GEMINI                 CANCER                LEO                    VIRGO

LIBRA              SCORPIO         SAGITTARIUS        CAPRICORN          AQUARIUS        PISCES


Gemstones: Aquamarine

Your friends are your greatest allies this month, Ram. When in doubt, bounce your ideas and aspirations off of them. They freshen your thinking and trigger insights. This month is a fine time for clean sweeps, literally (as in cleaning out closets) or metaphorically (as in bringing chapters of the past to a close).  Spend time alone, especially at month end, for respite and for creative regeneration.


Gemstones: Malachite

If relationships have been challenging as of late, some stocktaking may be in order. As the saying goes, we can’t change anyone but ourselves, so you will find more fruit for your labor if you do the work required on your end and leave others to do their own. Focusing on your career can pay long-term dividends, as can mapping out strategies to meet long-range goals.


Gemstones:  Leopard Jasper

Make February the month that your ideals and beliefs are put into action in your day-to-day world. For instance, if you’ve wanted to meditate regularly, get it on your schedule. Pragmatic, measured approaches to your daily health and work routines pay off right now, so push yourself to establish the habits you’d like to take root and flourish.


Gemstones: Azurite

This month is the month of endings, closing one door to walk through to another. For some this will be as mundane as paying off a debt so you have the money available for something else. For others, it may have more esoteric implications, such as slipping into creative or meditative states that allow you to release one way of seeing for another. Open the portal.


Gemstones: Blue Agate

Get out of the house and circulate a bit this month, Lion. You’re likely to run into innovators who surprise and intrigue you. As you’re in a process of deep interior re-decorating (do I really need to keep that piece of psychic furniture?), fresh perspectives are just what you need. Voices that are more community-minded and egalitarian can help transform your vision.


Gemstones: Rhodonite

Try the unusual this month at work, shake up your normal routines, turn tradition on its head and see what happens. Fresh approaches result in new starts and directions that will stimulate you and your creativity. Relationships can be a bit tetchy, and misunderstandings can crop up.  Remember, your sensitivity is greatly heightened right now, so a breeze can hit you like a tsunami. Let it go and breathe.


Traditional Gemstones: Peridot

Get out and have some fun with friends this month, Libra. Hopefully, one of your New Year’s resolutions was to put yourself on a budget, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy yourself within the limits you’ve set. Toward the end of the month, spend some time by yourself in spiritual retreat or in service to others.


Gemstones: Lepidolite

Hunker down at home with friends and loved ones for a bit of goofy fun this month, Scorpio. You’ll find it restorative and enlivening, especially if your energy has been low of late.  You continue to need to set boundaries and to set your own direction. As such, the weight of the world can feel as if it rests on your shoulders. Make time for fun, creativity and play to lighten your load.


Gemstones: Obsidian

It’s hard to turn off your mind this month, Centaur. Every time you turn around, you’re exposed to new ideas and new ways of thinking. You have something to say, too, so get out there and network. Remember to listen, too, as others will act as heralds, showing up with messages. Confusion, disquiet or uncertainty may crop up – perhaps around home or family but often just as an inner state.  Sit with it. What longings does this inner turmoil speak to?


Gemstones: Quartz

Take stock of your resources this month: financial, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual. Giving thanks for what you have allows you to deeply connect with what really matters. This becomes important later in the month when your dreams make subtle shifts, realigning you to your center. You may have fleeting glimpses of what is to be. Don’t worry if you can’t put it into words. Draw pictures, dream it.


Gemstones: Carnelian

The spotlight is on you, Waterbearer. What is it you want and how might you make it happen? How about asking for exactly what you desire rather than hanging back and expecting everyone to recognize your contributions? This month, don’t be afraid to promote yourself or your inventive ideas. Your financial situation or your relationship to money may also warrant innovative thinking.


Gemstones: Sodalite

Sometimes the best way forward is taking a step back, especially if you feel stuck. You are primed to make a spiritual leap this month, but only if you are willing. Getting distance, spotting where you sabotage your efforts, and transcending an old pattern or behavior that limits you is possible now. It takes humility, a desire to change, and the insight that you are holding the key.  Set yourself free.


You’ll need the following information: date of birth, place of birth, and, most importantly, time of birth.  Go to the following webpage and select “Extended Chart Selection” at the bottom right section of the page.

  • Select the bar which says “Click here to show the chart,” which is to the right and above the “Options” area of the page.
  • You should find yourself at another page. Select “Click here to go directly to data entry page.”
  • You’ll be taken to the data entry page. Enter your birth data and click on “Continue.”
  • Your natal chart with the positions will appear.  At the upper left, look for the information in red text. Your rising sign appears after the word “Ascendant.”
  • You can print the chart if you like, too.

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