2013 March Astrology Forecast

lighter Persian blue

Let me begin this month’s forecast with an apology. I won’t be able to write individual horoscopes this month, as I’m in the middle of selling a house and moving to another. (In astrology-speak, I have transiting Uranus hitting my career/home axis.)  So thanks for bearing with me, and we’ll get back to our regular scheduled programming in April!


This month’s highlights:

11 March 2013

New moon in Pisces. The new moon is literally the start of a new cycle, a beginning. However, with the sun and moon in the last sign of the zodiac (Pisces) and approaching Mars in the final degree (29) of that sign, we also need to take action on old business and tie up loose ends. The indication is we have come as far as we can go and we must let go to begin again.

Think of it as a speeding up of time. Things may unravel and we have to respond. A situation that has been around for a while may suddenly come to a head, so we finally make a decision, and bring it to a close. Old emotional material, illusions, and dreams may need to be acknowledged and, perhaps, relinquished. If you’ve been indecisive and delaying action, you may need to make something “real,” that is, take it out of the realm of daydream and put it into the realm of reality. Push may come to shove during this moon cycle, which doesn’t come to a close until the second week of April.

Take the plunge. Sometimes we need to be pushed to our limits to take the next step, to move us past our inertia. As the sun and moon join Venus this cycle, your next move should be toward that which brings more pleasure, peace, and beauty in your life and in your relationships. What do you value? What makes you happy?  How can you have more of that in your day?

17 March 2013

Mercury Retrograde Ends. And the crowd goes wild. Communication becomes easier, though it doesn’t get its groove back until mid-April when Mercury moves into Aries.

20 March 2013

The Spring Equinox marks the beginning of the tropical zodiac—the first day of spring in the northern hemisphere—when the sun crosses the intersection of celestial equator and the ecliptic, or another way to say the same thing, when the sun reaches zero degrees of Aries.  As such, it tells astrologers a lot about the energy of the upcoming solar year.  And this equinox is pretty raucous.

We have a stressful configuration called a T-Square between Pluto, moon, Mars, and Uranus. It’s rather explosive, intemperate energy that would rather blow things apart than negotiate a peace. It suggests the need to take whatever action one deems necessary to seek freedom and break away from past restrictions. We have a tendency to act rashly, perhaps unconsciously, against perceived power differences. The tricky part is to not project our shadow onto others or to blame and make others wrong. Better that we empower ourselves to break free of our limitations and leave others to deal with their own limitations.

Underneath the stress, though, lies a gift, a lovely grand trine in water between the moon, Saturn, Mercury and Neptune. Water is tied to our emotions, to the intrinsic, unfathomable ways we are connected to the people and world around us. Here, we have the possibility of aligning mind with emotion and body, of pairing discipline with vision. Mysticism, spirituality, creativity and imagination all come to mind. Remember, beneath the intensity lies a stable reservoir of emotional/mental control and inspired revelation. We simply need to access it and use its depths to guide us through any tempests that may arise.

Those of you who meditate and those of you who have always wanted to try, the days before the Spring Equinox are a great time to begin. Saturn provides discipline, Neptune allows you to tap into something larger than yourself, and moon and Mercury provide left-brain/right-brain integration.

This grand trine also ties into Pluto, creating what is known as a kite configuration, so ultimately the stress we feel from the T-square and the support underlying the grand trine all point to the regenerative powers of Pluto. Use this year to transform your life in creative, liberating and sustaining ways.  Break with the past but head toward a future that feeds you on a soul level, one that is emotionally rich and nurturing, and inspires you to new levels of growth.

27 March 2013

Full Moon in Libra. With the full moon across the Libra/Aries axis, we incorporate both the themes of our new moon and of the Spring Equinox. Libra yearns for peace, seeking harmony, beauty, and interpersonal connection. It aims to create balance. Aries, on the other hand, seeks excitement and autonomy and doesn’t mind if it ruffles a few feathers in the process. Like at the new moon, the sun and moon connect to Venus, the planet of love and money, and the sun is joined by our friends from the equinox, Uranus, and Mars. And for good measure, both sun and moon come into a stressful t-square with Pluto, the transformation agent.

What needs to change in your life that will liberate you and rejuvenate you? How does balance need to be restored – in your relationships? In your life?  With Venus so prominent this moon cycle, Venusian themes are underscored: what needs to change to bring more love, peace, pleasure, and beauty into your life?  What do you value? Issues of money and fair exchange also may be a focus.

This full moon is about making constructive changes that support your happiness, encourage balance, and take a great deal of courage to bring about. Again, the energy is tense, explosive even. Use it to shape shift and revision yourself. Intense encounters with others or with shadowy, less accepted aspects of yourself may act as catalysts: allowing you to see into where you need or want creative change to occur in your life.

Push for your desires, act from a place of self-love and love of others, advocate for more pleasure and joy in your life. Use the intensity or stresses you encounter to transform those aspects of yourself or your situation that limit your peace, your love, your creativity or happiness. Jupiter supports this full moon, so use your sense of possibility and optimism to move past resistance.

Employ this time creatively and wisely. Break through the chrysalis. Emerge.

Again, my apologies that I won’t have individual horoscopes this month, but I hope to be back to my normal column in April!