Your Heart’s Desire
April picks up speed and is full of fiery energy. Use it to get yourself going in the direction you wish to head. By the end of the month we all will need to ground our passions in the dense material of reality, so use the momentum at the start of the month to push through resistances and land on solid ground. This month is very busy astrologically, so expect a lot of action – around you and within you. Stay anchored in yourself to keep your equilibrium!
April 6
Mercury leaves its shadow period. Communications become easier. That said, Mercury is still in Pisces, the sign of its detriment, which prefers visuals to words, so clarity can be a struggle. Lean on your metaphors and paint a picture in words.
April 10
New Moon in Aries. This Aries new moon reels with passion and excitement, With the planets of love (Venus) and desire (Mars) joining it, it seems to ask, “What is your heart’s desire? If you could do anything without worrying about the impact it would have on others, what would it be?” Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, as such it represents pure life force, the desire to express one’s essentially self honestly and without apology. (And if it bothers someone, well, that’s his/her problem.) Where is it you need to be more of your unapologetic self? Grab some of this sassy, sexy energy and call on your courage to be more wholly yourself.
April 12
Pluto stations Retrograde. Emotions might be a bit more turbulent and heavy the five days before and after the 12th, as Pluto slows to a stop in the sky. In particular, watch for power struggles and control issues to intensify or to resolve. As always when people around us are triggered, situations deescalate when we focus on our side of the interaction (internal response) rather than engaging in the turbulence (external reaction). Pluto spends about half the year retrograde. Think of this 10-day window as the time Hades retreats to the underworld after a venture into the light. It takes a few days for his eyes to adjust to the shadows.
April 15
Mercury enters Aries. Mercury has been mooring in the waters of Pisces since February 6th, which is a long time for chatty Mercury to hang out in a mute sign, one that is more comfortable in nonlinear realms than in the less elastic materials of words and reason. Once Mercury moves into Aries, people have less trouble being direct and telling you what they want. Words take on more of an edge and communication picks up speed. Whether this is a good thing or a bad thing really depends on how comfortable you are with everyone laying their cards on the table.
April 16
Venus enters Taurus. Venus returns to her home sign Taurus in time to revel in the earthy goodness of spring. Make your favorite foods, surround yourself with flowers, luxuriate in freshly washed sheets. This is Venus at her most sensuous and pleasure-loving.
April 18 – 20
Mercury joins Uranus. Starting April 18th, mental processes speed up and unusual ideas and epiphanies abound. You may find yourself or others around you becoming less compromising. Make sure you remain open to unconventional wisdom and stay flexible. This advice becomes particularly important as you head toward the 20th and Pluto comes into play.
April 20 – 22
Mercury square Pluto & Venus oppose Saturn. As we head into the lunar eclipse of the 25th, watch that your point of view or opinions don’t become fixed. When communicating with others, try to keep an open mind and avoid obsessing on one idea or position. We have a tendency to want to force others to come around to our way of thinking, and people are not in a giving mood during this period. If you have relationships in which there are cracks, the pressure can lead to real breaks.
However, if you turn this energy inward, you may find treasure. That same fixed intensity opens up into psychological awareness that can lead to real change. It’s also possible to clarify boundaries that perhaps have become muddy over the years or have teetered out of balance.
April 21
Mars enters Taurus. After enjoying the speed and directness of Aries, its own sign, Mars runs headlong into the density of material reality: Taurus. What was moving along at a clip must slow down and deal with the practical details. As Mars is a planet of action – not organic unfolding – he finds it a bit, uh, frustrating. Pulling at the roots doesn’t make the flower pop through the soil any faster, so the counsel is to call on your patience, tend to the tasks at hand, and trust that this slower pace is for the good. Sometimes we need to let things settle and remember that some of the fastest growth happens during gestation periods, when nothing looks to be happening.
April 25
Lunar eclipse in Scorpio. Again we have the planets of love (Venus) and desire (Mars) configured with the Sun, so passion and what we truly want come into play. As with any full moon, emotions run high, but with this moon in fixed signs, people are less willing to budge. In Taurus, the question might be, what is it I want badly enough that I’m willing to build it brick by brick? Opposing this group are Saturn and the moon in Saturn, which point to hard realities and obstacles we need to face. What Saturn and Taurus share in common, though, is a focus on time and wanting to create something that can last.
In short, discipline and perseverance are every bit as important as the passion fueling us. If we really want it, we need to be willing to work for it and we need to ensure that it can sustain itself.
Watch the stressors that crop up the week leading into this moon and the month following it. They provide clues as to the fears you need to face and realities you need to contend with to build a life worthy of your efforts. With the moon in Scorpio, also look for that which needs to be released to truly free up energy and transform the existing situation. What concern needs to be addressed, what secure or sure thing might need to be risked for you truly to feel alive again?
We are being asked to examine what is sustainable and what must be destroyed in order to build on firmer ground.
When in doubt, hold your dreams close and let them guide you. Neptune supports both the sun and moon this eclipse. Be willing to make sacrifices for the larger vision, for what could be— your heart of hearts—if you are willing to take the risk and build something lasting.
If you know your rising sign (also known as the ascendant), read that forecast in addition to your birth sign. If you don’t know your rising sign and would like to find out, go to the bottom of this post for instructions.
As always, a forecast written for a general audience is a pale substitute for a consultation based on the moment of your birth. If you’d like to schedule a consultation, please feel free to email or call me.
After a waterlogged few months, you’re back in your element. Find your groove, put the focus on you, and pay attention to your enthusiasms. They can lead you out of the dark months of winter into a more passionate, resonate spring. Think of this month as your new year and set the tone for the next twelve month. Do what you need to do to untether yourself from complications and move into the season feeling lighter. Toward the end of the month, get your financial house in order. Think of it as spring cleaning. Gemstone: Carnelian
Taurus: Attend to that nagging feeling or unresolved business at the start of the month, preferably before the 16th when Venus, your ruling planet comes for a visit. Trust yourself; now is the time to confront anything weighing on you. Doing so will lighten your load, freeing up energy that has been tied up psychically if not physically and emotionally. Then you can move into the full moon at the end of the month with all your resources at your disposal. Let yourself shine. Gemstone: Jade
With Jupiter in your sign since last summer, at this stage you may feel like you have plenty of plates spinning and your primary accomplishment is that none of them have crashed to the ground. Hang in there. It is an accomplishment. Focus on your long-range goals: where do you want to be in a few years? (Yes, you actually need to focus, despite your already divided attention!) Suss out your fears and concerns. Tap into your creative drive. If you read between the lines, you’ll find the directives as to which plates you can just let drop. Gemstone: Snowflake Obsidian
Are you feeling the build up? Spring fever has been percolating beneath the watery winter months. You are nearing a time when you must declare yourself. It’s scary stuff for sensitive Crabs, but you need to call on your inner daredevil. Right now, risk-taking is good for your soul and soon comes the summer where you will be asked to grow and change in ways you’ve not anticipated. (Don’t worry, it’s a good thing.) Tap into your vision for the future and let your intuition guide you on timing. Most of all, believe in yourself and your vision: you can do this. Gemstone: Amazonite
Finally, a little fiery energy is on its way. Ignite your philosophical and spiritual nature this month. What feeds your soul? What supports your integrity and aligns you to your truth? Make sure you keep these frameworks close as your touchstones. Should you find yourself thwacking up against a dense wall of obstacles toward month end, you’ll know exactly how to realign yourself so that your deepest passions are supported by your rock solid foundation of emotional clarity and maturity. Gemstone: Topaz
Virgo: Bring it to a close this month. Something you’ve been working towards – and it always feels like your working these days – needs to be blessed and released. What is truly of meaning to you? Make that – be it family, your creativity, your [insert personally fulfilling activity here] – your new priority. You need to reserve the time for that which you value. Avoid letting other pressing but less important responsibilities edge your priority out of the first position. Your industriousness can be your teacher or your nemesis. May it teach you mastery.
Libra: You may feel like everyone is confronting you. They’re not. They’re forcing you to decide: where do your desires lie? If you find yourself in battles rather than constructive negotiation, your energies will dissipate in a fruitless dance with your own shadow. On the other hand, if you rise to the challenges and insights that your interactions with others illuminate, you may find yourself clearer about your values, ready to let go of fear-based behaviors, and developing a whole new relationship with your work, health or daily routine. Lean into the learning. Gemstone: Flourite
Scorpio: Restrictions are clues these days. Don’t ignore their telltale signs, especially around your health and your work. Taking things seriously and to heart works in your favor this month. You have the focused energy to make changes that reinvigorate these areas, so engage and trust your instincts. Ignoring potential problems or growing concerns won’t serve the restructuring going on in your life right now. You want to build something lasting, so keep an eye on the blueprints and create your solid foundation. Gemstone: Bloodstone
Sagittarius: Sagittarius: Whom do you love? How can play inform work? Where are your enthusiasms directing you? Answer those questions and you’ll be off to a good start this spring. Let your native optimism reinvigorate your daily routines and your positive outlook lighten the load of those around you. Towards the end of the month, keep your inner resistances in check. Lean toward practical solutions that take the long view – rather than fast, short-term fixes – even if they don’t feel very sexy in the moment. Gemstone: Aquamarine
April is a fine month to ensure that you’re nurturing yourself and feeling at home in your life. You are in the midst of renewing fundamental aspects of yourself. To foster this period of growth, you need to attend to your deepest needs. If you haven’t been taking care of yourself, now is the time to address it. You can’t climb Mount Everest if you don’t have a solid base camp, no matter how ambitious you are, so stock the proper supplies and make sure you have the right support team. Then you’ll be ready to move steadily onward, toward the heights you’ve been craving. Gemstone: Moonstone
Aquarius: If you are willing to shift off of a fixed position, April presents an opportunity for a whole new way of seeing the familiar. If your thinking has become entrenched or habituated – especially about home or family or some fundamental self-concept – step outside your intellectual comfort zone and entertain a new point of view. You might find yourself in completely new terrain, a land that is invigorating, freeing, and represents a fresh start. High-handed anger points to being stuck in the past. Epiphanies and honest self-disclosure are the pathways to courage, discovery, and shaking off past chains. Gemstone: Labradorite
Pisces: If you feel a little overwhelmed and less than happy with yourself, April is the month to hit the restart button. One, remember that you’re fabulous. Two, don’t waste time feeling sorry for yourself. (Besides, you can’t feel sorry for yourself once your remember you’re fabulous.) If you’ve been stuck, adjust your values so they aren’t contradictory or adjust your behaviors so they align with your values. One or the other is at odds, like two fishes swimming in opposite directions. Own it, and then step into the current so you can move forward. Lastly, for good measure, remember that you’re fabulous. Gemstone: Malachite
You’ll need the following information: date of birth, place of birth, and, most importantly, time of birth. Go to the following webpage and select “Extended Chart Selection” at the bottom right section of the page.
- Select the bar which says “Click here to show the chart,” which is to the right and above the “Options” area of the page.
- You should find yourself at another page. Select “Click here to go directly to data entry page.”
- You’ll be taken to the data entry page. Enter your birth data and click on “Continue.”
- Your natal chart with the positions will appear. At the upper left, look for the information in red text. Your rising sign appears after the word “Ascendant.”
- You can print the chart if you like, too.
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