2012 September Forecast

Shifting into Gear

After the whirlwind rush of the first half of this year, September shifts us into a different gear. At the spring equinox, I spoke about the little boxes we’ve erected around ourselves and our lives to keep them familiar and safe – and unwittingly keeping ourselves stuck.  Most of the work we’ve been doing up until now has been encounters with these mental constructs in various ways: through cognitive dissonance, through unexpected shocks to our lives, through the long-time-coming deterioration of certain structures and relationships, and through epiphanies and insights made internally and brought about through others.

This year, in some way, has been about disorienting us so we can start questioning the status quo – in particular, our role in it – and begin making the internal shifts necessary to craft a life that is more aligned to true selves.  Until we started questioning, until we sought the roots of the problem(s), we were unprepared to make the fundamental changes necessary to move forward.

September brings clearer weather and less turbulence. We begin to move forward, taking the internal realizations and shifts we’ve made during this year, deepening them, and bringing them into the light to take action.

Mercury – the Greek god Hermes who ruled communication, thieves, travel, and commerce – is the planet to watch this month. He ruled the full moon on August 31st, he’ll rule the new moon on September 15th, and he activates the Uranus-Pluto square twice this month.

Mercury, alone among the planets, isn’t assigned a gender.  It is also neutral in another way: whether traditional astrologers saw it as a benefic or a malefic in a chart depended on the planets with which it associated. Mercury/Hermes was both messenger of the gods and patron saint of thieves, so his morality could be relative to the situation.

To bring this down to our mortal level, Mercury speaks to how we think, how we process information, and how we define and categorize everything around us. If what we tell ourselves enlivens us, makes us better able to travel where we wish, and keeps open the channels of communication and motion – be they physical, mental, emotional or spiritual – then Mercury acts as our friend.  If Mercury has us trapped in little boxes and telling ourselves there’s nothing we can do, it’s just the way it is, then he is a thief, indeed. (I’m following the astrological convention of using a masculine pronoun for this transgender planet, a reflection of the fact that the god Mercury/Hermes was depicted as male.)

Around September 4th, Mercury comes into relationship with game-changers Pluto and Uranus.  Its connection to Pluto can lend deep perception into people’s behaviors, internal dynamics and underlying motivations, and Uranus can allow us to make rapid adjustments based on this new information. In early September, pay attention to the insights you have, the ideas you want to act on, and any surprising mental shifts.  What new directions suddenly seem plausible?

September 20th may bring challenges to these ideas and perceptions or may trigger stubborn mental constructs or patterns. The gift is to see it anew, to break free of limitations, and to uproot any old belief or pattern that prevents freedom of movement. Be a bit fearless, take a risk, and don’t fall into obsessive narratives that narrow your vision.  Look hard at where you feel stuck and how your thinking and the things you tell yourself keep you rooted in place.

Negative feedback from others can have two positive results: it can mirror your own fears and self-talk, allowing you to see it afresh, or it can point to unaddressed considerations, allowing you to tackle potential issues. Don’t shut down: use critical information to deepen your understanding.

Little boxes only have power when you forget you have arms and legs that easily knock through cardboard. If you’re overdue to move forward, do your due diligence, acknowledge the risks, and then punch through.

The new moon in Virgo on September 15th will help with that due diligence. Our friend Mercury joins the new moon, indicating an opportunity to cast a discriminating eye over our ideas, information, what we think and how we communicate – with ourselves and with others.

Virgo excels at analyzing why a process or idea fails to function optimally and then identifying how to improve it so it does.  Use this new moon energy to hone in on ideas about yourself and your life that could use improvements. If you had a breakthrough or new information come in around September 4th, use Virgo’s perfecting gaze to see if you can burnish it to a high shine.

Come the full moon in Aries/Libra on September 29th, we may be under pressure to step up our game.  Stresses from both Uranus and Pluto to this full moon may challenge us to remain true to ourselves despite outside pressure or an internal need to keep the peace or please others.

We’ve been doing a lot of work over the past few months establishing boundaries and working out thorny imbalances and power dynamics with others.

At the full moon, much of what you’ve been working on for this year will be tested.  How well you’ve defined what you want, cleared away mental baggage, and established fair and supportive relationships will determine whether you are ready for a breakthrough or a setback.

Those of you who have been doing the difficult work to create a new foundation for the person you want to be in the world may find you are on that precipice at month’s end, ready to break free of a past that no longer serves you and to leap into a new phase of your life that allows you to be more authentic and true to yourself.

You are the only person who can disempower you or limit your options. Remember that at month’s end and leap into life you wish to live.

If you know your rising sign, read the forecast for both it and your birth sign.  As always, a monthly sun sign column is no substitute for a consultation based on your actual birth place and time.  For more information on my services or if you wish to set up a consultation  email me.  

ARIES: Work on establishing the day-to-day work and health routines that make you feel like you’re really on your game.  Right now you have the capacity to let go of old patterns that have been a source of mental suffering for you. Focusing on creating the kind of day you want – every day – can shift this old material and open floodgates of love and creativity.  Recommended stone: Bloodstone

TAURUS: Love comes from home and family this month. But as tempting as it is to stay home and bask in the warm glow, social events with friends – or a special someone – can really be transporting. Circulate!  You’ll find yourself the center of attention and enjoying every minute of it. Given the steam your relationships have this month, I doubt you’ll feel the September chill. Recommended stone: Rose Quartz

GEMINI: With Jupiter bringing his bounty directly to you these days, make sure to push for the results you want. This month your work and long-range goals can receive support from friends in the position to help, so share your vision for the future with others. Put in effort on the home front as well, as a new start is primed here, too.  Recommended stone: Peridot

CANCER: As reticent and shy as you can be, especially about your own need and desires, this month requires you to speak up and start negotiating for what you want. It can be as simple as sharing your feelings with a friend or as complex as spelling out your plans in a detailed contract. In either case, your communication is perceptive and clear right now but only if you express yourself. Don’t hold back. Recommended stone: Chrysocolla

LEO: With lovely Venus in your sign this month, you’ll find yourself in demand and full of charm. Financial negotiations can go especially well this month, so don’t hesitate to ask for what you want though be ready to substantiate – with facts and figures – why you’re deserving. Home may be a flurry of activity this month. Good thing you’re feeling so social.  Recommended stone: Amazonite

VIRGO:  The emphasis is on the “go” in Virgo this month, birthday gals and guys. And with Jupiter cruising through your career house, the plans and possibilities for the future keep expanding. September is a fine month to cut away the excess and get to the core of that vision, the center you can build on. You’re incredibly keen right now, so focus on where you want to go and start creating the map.  Recommended stone: Malachite

LIBRA: You’re in the final stretch of cleaning up old business, Libra. Don’t be surprised if a lot of loose ends rear their ugly heads this month. It’s okay. Put one foot after the other and deal with them. Saturn is just like that. You don’t get to avoid – or if you do, you pay for it later – and no one will do the work for you. Simply handle what is put before you and know the payoff will be there in the end. Recommended stone: Onyx

SCORPIO: You are ready to get this party started and finally, finally you can move forward.  Detailed plans for what you want – vetted by friends – can help you stay on track and ensure you arrive at your destination. If you’ve been isolating of late, connecting with friends can be restorative. Regardless, you need to get going: tap into your initiative and push yourself forward.  Recommended stone: Unakite

 SAGITTARIUS: September offers you the opportunity for kick start your career or a new project—that is, if you put the effort into it and establish realistic expectations. Avoid intrigues around romance or creative ambition, as they may not land you where you expect.  Tying up loose ends and making long-range plans will have a better outcome.  Recommended stone: Selenite

 CAPRICORN: Expand your horizons this month, Goat. You have an abundance of big picture vision and detailed strategy right now, if you focus on aligning your direction in life to your principles and values. Grounding yourself in your ideals and integrity helps later this month when structures – inner and outer – are tested.  Terra firma: know where you stand.  Recommended stone: Hematite

AQUARIUS: Before you can move forward, you need to bring a few things to an end. This could mean a shift in a relationship, confronting a fear or a clearing up of an old debt, but it’s definitely a letting go. Release the old by mid-month, so you can speak your truth by month end. Creative renewal – on terms you envision – hinges on your ability to shed.  Recommended stone: Dioptase

PISCES: Relationships need your attention this month, Fishes. You need to be present and attend to the details of your life: the day-in, day-out, ordinary tasks. You can save the world later. Right now clean your room and help your partner. Doing so frees up energy, puts home back into balance, and brings some old business to a close. It also may lead an opportunity for income your way.   Recommended stone: Ocean Jasper


5 Comments on “2012 September Forecast

  1. Born: 9/29/62

    What’s in store fo me on this up an coming birthday & full moon?

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