Thanks for being patient for my forecast this month. The United Astrology Conference was a great success in New Orleans, and I enjoyed meeting those of you kind enough to introduce yourselves.
June started off with a rather intense full moon eclipse on the 4th. Those of your with planets around 14 degrees of Sagittarius and Gemini may feel its effects for several months. With the full moon conjoined Venus in retrograde, the main message of this eclipse is to get clear on what you value and where your happiness lies, and then realign your relationships so the give and take feels balanced. Sometimes this means letting go of those relationships and situations that don’t sustain you. Another theme is to evaluate your boundaries: where do you need to set limits? The key to releasing old patterns is holding yourself responsible rather than pointing fingers elsewhere. Gather facts and information and examining the mental patterns that might be aiding and abetting unhealthy relationship dynamics.
Beginning June 6th, Uranus and Pluto come into a tight, stressful relationship in the sky. These planets will square each other seven times over the next three years, with this first pass continuing through October of this year. The last time these planets were in stressful relationship was the mid-sixties, when we saw enormous upheaval and change. Uranus represents change, rebellion, and higher awareness, and it often works through surprise and shock. Pluto represents death, transformation, and renewal, but it can go to extremes, becoming ruthless and leaving destruction in its wake. When you bring these two impersonal forces together, you can have dramatic results, which we saw in both the 1930s and the 1960s. Scale it down to size: what in your life is in need of a complete new world order? Where are you feeling inner unrest or polarization? In three year’s time, what shift would you like to have made?
On June 12th, Jupiter moves into Gemini, where it will stay for the next twelve months. Gemini’s gift is breadth, not depth, and its propensity for scattering can be exacerbated by Jupiter’s love of expansion and desire for more. Too much too quickly can leave us feeling spread thin and exhausted, but if we reign in our focus, we have an opportunity to greatly expand our thinking and become more flexible and versatile in our viewpoints and beliefs. As Mercury, Gemini’s ruler, sits in Cancer this month, pay special attention to where ingrained and habitual ways of thinking keep you bound to the past.
The new moon this month falls on June 19th at 28 degrees Gemini. New moons speak to beginnings and fresh starts, but the late degree suggests contemplation of what has gone before and a review of our Gemini lessons, which began May 20th with the new moon eclipse at 0 degrees of Gemini.
Gemini seeks fresh insights and information. This new moon is isolated from other influences: it’s parting from Saturn and Mars, so the action is in the past. Strategizing, reviewing, and connecting the dots – and perhaps sharing and bouncing your insights off others – are the order of the day. A nice trine between Mercury and Saturn on the day of the new moon should help you focus and deepen your thinking. Later that day, Moon opposes Pluto, which can make for stormy, emotional undercurrents this moon cycle, while Neptune at the Venus/Jupiter midpoint hints at propensity for overindulgence this month, as well as creative imagination in abundance. Use it to seed the change you wish to see rather than dissipating your energy.
June 25th Saturn turns direct in the sign of Libra and on June 27th Venus turns direct in the sign of Gemini. If you’ve been doing your work for the past six weeks, you’ve been thinking a lot about the relationships in your life, including your relationship with yourself. (You might notice a theme here: the stations of these two planets reinforce the message of the full moon eclipse on June 4th.)
Venus retrograde cycles want us to reexamine what brings value, pleasure, and unity to our life. The question it asks: “Is it worth it?” And sometimes, “What’s in it for me?” (Venus can be selfish, friends. She needs the exchange to be worthwhile.) Situations that don’t bring happiness or seem short reward are under review: the volunteer work that takes too many hours and leaves you exhausted, the relationship that seems one-sided. Underscoring this theme, Saturn in Libra asks us to establish healthy boundaries, to develop prudence and equity when dealing with others, to learn to say no. In essence, to develop a mature, grounded and self-disciplined approach to our relationships.
With Venus and Saturn stationing within two days of one another, this energy is put into forward motion and externalized. Think of it as a little push to move you out of your reflections and into embodiment. It’s time to make changes based on our observations of the past weeks. So by month ends, be clear on what you value. Know if you’ve hit your limit with some people. Have a list of what you need to give to yourself and post it somewhere you can see it each day. Now is the time to make choices and structure your life in ways that honor your obligations and fill your life with the fun, beauty, and joy you deserve.
As always, a monthly sun sign column is no substitution for an astrological consultation based on the moment of your birth. If you know your rising (ascendant) sign, read that sign as well as your birth sign.
To find your rising sign, go to the end of this post for instructions.
Aries: It’s a busy month, Ram. You may end up doing lots of networking, socializing, and communicating with others. Obligations to other people also seem to be on the agenda. It’s a frantic day in the neighborhood, so pace yourself. Stone: Hematite
Taurus: Does everything seem to be costing a fortune or is it just you? Watch your purse strings this month, as the temptation to overspend runs high – or you find yourself feeling like you have no other choice but to suck it up and pay top dollar. What seems shiny now can lose its glitter quickly. Stone: Jade
Gemini: It’s your birthday and there’s plenty of ideas and activities to go around. Spend a bit of time thinking about how to secure your finances and shore up your accounts. On whole you’ll do better this month with a plan and some follow through. Otherwise, the month will pass you in a blink of an eye. Stone: Jasper
Cancer: You may be in a bit of a funk this month, Crab, with much weighing on your mind. Avoid being your own worst enemy and getting lost in your brooding. Swallowing your feelings and words doesn’t help anyone. Gather your thoughts and clear the air. Stone: Aquamarine
Leo: Get out, circulate. Let yourself be seen and enjoy your friends. You’ll be most effective if you align yourself to your larger vision and dream a bit. Two areas to keep in check this month are your spending and your thoughts. Speaking out of resentment or churlishness will only backfire. Stone: Amazonite
Virgo: This is the last month you have Mars in your sign, Virgo, so pull out all the stops and push for the results you want. You’re almost at the finish line, so don’t relax now. Propel yourself into the future you’ve been envisioning. Stone: Carnelian
Libra: You may be feeling a bit restless. It’s a great time to take a trip – the further off the beaten path the better – whether it be physical or intellectual. Expose yourself to new people and surroundings to mix things up. A change of scenery will do you good. Stone: Citrine
Scorpio: Before moving forward, shed the past. This month is full of endings and the more open you are to letting go, the faster you’ll move. A lot of creative ideas are percolating just beneath the surface, but for them to truly take hold, you must relinquish your traditional way of doing things. Stone: Black Onyx
Sagittarius: People will be either your fun or your frustration right now. They’re more likely to frustrate you if you have unrealistic or idealistic expectations around them. But if you can accept them on their own terms, rather than imposing your own, you’ll find a great deal of magic in this month. Stone: Rose Quartz
Capricorn: If you put in the daily effort, you’ll find that you can accomplish much this month, and perhaps even have fun doing it. Convey your dreams to others and see if they’ll help you build your vision. Now is the time to start talking. Stone: Apatite
Aquarius: Have fun with friends this month, Waterbearer. Uncertainty around your finances and daily obstacles aside, you need a bit of R&R and to take things less seriously. Kick back and don’t let the conversation get too heavy. Stone: Green Tourmaline
Pisces: You may feel like holing up at home this month, Fishes. Renewal at the homestead – be it working on the house or simply feeling closer to those nearest to you – is on the agenda. Reconnect and enjoy the comforts of home. Stone: Chrysoprase
You’ll need the following information: date of birth, place of birth, and, most importantly, time of birth. Go to the following Astrodeinst webpage and select “Extended Chart Selection” at the bottom right section of the page.
- Select the bar which says “Click here to show the chart,” which is to the right and above the “Options” area of the page.
- You should find yourself at another page. Select “Click here to go directly to data entry page.”
- You’ll be taken to the data entry page. Enter your birth data and click on “Continue.”
- Your natal chart with the positions will appear. At the upper left, look for the information in red text. Your rising sign appears after the word “Ascendant.”
- You can print the chart if you like, too.