2010 October Forecast

The tense square between Pluto, god of the underworld, and Saturn, lord of time, continues until mid-month, which means we remain under a good deal of pressure. Pluto asks that we transform at a profound level, whereas Saturn asks that strip down to essentials and keep only those structures which are lasting and meaningful.

In short, each of us is being called to make changes and transform something essential about ourselves. In some cases we’re being asked to let go of the very structures which provided past stability. In others, we’re being called upon to mature and shoulder more responsibility than ever before. In all cases, we’re being asked to persevere, work hard at our personal development, and tap into our endurance. Fundamental and deep change demands we access all our inner resources. To honor this alchemical moment, let’s look at gems and minerals which will facilitate our transmutation.

If you know your rising sign (also called the ascendant), look to that sign for the stones which will best support your current growth cycle. Otherwise, look to your sun sign.

Aries: Currently some of your relationships feel more burdensome than supportive and your career is a volcano of activity.  Use Aventurine to fortify your natural independence, so you have the strength to be there for others, and to help even out the bumps in your career and in the redefinition of your public persona.

Taurus: You prefer to keep things at an even keel with a minimum amount of drama, but lately your work life might feel like one problem after another. Your belief systems may be going through an overhaul as well. To bring more spirituality into your daily routine and reduce overall stress, try Gaspeite.

Gemini: Friends and lovers can usually be counted on to lift your spirits and your natural joie de ’vivre, but right now they often bring as much stress as they do joy. You may find debt or other responsibilities also preying heavily on your mind. Use Barite to smooth relationships and restore harmony. It’ll also boost your waning motivation.

Cancer: You are being asked to make changes at fundamental levels: at home, in your most private self, and in your closest partnerships. Take the risk. Be honest about your needs, but more importantly, honest about those needs to those who most wish to support you. Try Chalcedony to help you on all these fronts.

Leo: If you feel no one is listening to you, especially at work, or as if your creative input is being overlooked, you are being called to mature and season your communication. Those who do will find themselves being taken far more seriously and that their ideas gain weight and momentum. Celestite can clear your speech and bolster your personal expression.

Virgo: In the past few years, you’ve taken stock of your life and committed to a direction, but you’re still in your fledgling stage. Until your hard work pays off, finances may be tight. Try Dioptase to increase your prosperity and attract the transformative love, friendship, and increased self-expression that lies ahead.

Libra: The time has come to redefine yourself in some essential way that will affect your sense of rootedness and belonging as well as how you move through the world. Always able to see the flip side of the coin, now you are being asked to choose one thing over another. Commit. The rewards will be threefold though the path may be demanding. To reinforce your resolve and aid in decisions, try Ametrine.

Scorpio: You are in a period where you can clearly perceive and restructure self-defeating mental patterns which have thwarted you in the past. Identify where you’ve been your own worst enemy, uncover the roots, and free yourself. Use Apache Tears to facilitate forgiveness of others and oneself and to gain deeper understanding.

Sagittarius: Always value-driven, you may find that your trajectory takes a turn toward the serious. Your sense of optimism remains, but dreams mature and you may find what you want from life has grown more sober and weighty as you ponder what is essential in life. Malachite can both facilitate your intense probing while giving your finances a boost.

Capricorn: Your personal and public identities are in deep conversation with one another. As your identity transforms, so will your role in the world. More than any other sign, Capricorn needs inner and outer alignment and integrity. To foster greater self-awareness and to enhance the rebirth of your inner and outer selves, use Alexandrite.

Aquarius: You’re feeling a deep pull to the spiritual these days. If your belief systems have become too rigid and you’ve lost sight of the mystery of life, rumblings from the ethers or from those in need may ask you to redefine your sense of the divine. Dreams can be very powerful at this time, so take the time to listen. Purpurlite will help you break away from old limitations while supporting your spirit.

Pisces: It’s the end of a cycle: old dreams and friendships come to a close and perhaps you’re in turmoil about what you really want to manifest in the world. Rather than suffering in silence, reach out to those closest to you and work through your worry, self-reproach and fears. Use Hessonite to clear negativity, eliminate feelings of inferiority, and promote positive change.